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About Fairfield Economic Development Corp.

We Are Here To Serve You!

The Fairfield Economic Development Corporation (FEDC), is a non-profit, Type A, economic development corporation whose mission is to promote, assist and enhance economic development opportunities in Fairfield, Texas. Our company is funded by a 1/2 of 1 percent sales and use tax collected in the City of Fairfield.

Our Economic Strategy is to focus on Primary Jobs!

FEDC’s primary focus is on employers that sell a majority of their products and services to markets outside our regional economy. An economic growth factor is realized by the City of Fairfield’s retail and services sectors as a result of primary business expansion and the inbound revenue it generates.

We Are Here To Expand You!

FEDC works with local companies on an ongoing basis to assist and encourage expansion in the City of Fairfield in various ways, including but not limited to incentives for Job Retention, Job Creation, Workforce and Technical Training and Capital Infrastructure Improvements.

Where Is Fairfield, Texas?

Fairfield, Texas is strategically located in Central East Texas right on Interstate 45. We are 90 miles South of Dallas, Texas and 150 miles North of Houston, Texas. Our location also intersects US Hwy 84 and places Fairfield 60 miles East of Waco and 80 miles West of Tyler.