The Freestone County Fair & Rodeo is a yearly event held the second week of June each year. The parade in downtown Fairfield kicks off the week long events that include home & garden project exhibits, stick bull riding for the kids, Miss Freestone County Queen Coronation and CPRA-UPRA rodeo and youth rodeo as well. Kids from all over Freestone County bring their animals to compete in breeding and market shows held throughout the week. The carnival is open all week attracting hundreds of visitors to the City.
The Show of Wheels is an annual event in it’s 21st year celebrating the love of vehicles! With over 30 judged classes, you will be sure to find the right fit for your car, truck, or motorcycle. And in case you own something or want to see something that doesn’t fit those categories, we have a class for that too! Cash prizes for specialty awards, plaques and trophies to reward those entries that make the cut! Antique Tractor Club, Food Vendors, Live music, raffles and more will keep the whole family entertained! Come early on Friday and take part in our Poker Run, making stops throughout Fairfield to see who will win the best hand, and be a part of our swap meet!
The Big T Memorial Cook-Off is organized by the Golden Circle Special Needs Association. Our organization is focused on providing funds to aid special needs children in our little five county area of rural Texas. Children from Freestone, Navarro, Anderson, Limestone and Leon counties benefit from our efforts. The organization has given much needed donations to the special education programs at local schools, and they hope to establish a scholarship fund in the near future. Great food and an all-star group of musicians is what makes this event so successful and fun.
The Freestone County Historical Museum was established in 1967 with the initial steps being taken by the Freestone County Historical Association to set up the organization. The purpose of the association was to preserve and interpret the historical culture and heritage of Freestone County and the State of Texas. Documents, manuscripts, and artifacts items were gathered throughout the county to place on display in the two story brick 1880’s jail which had been purchased to house the items.